Primavet Produkt Animal Health Ltd.
In November 2012, our manufacturing plant moved to our location on Gumigyár Street in Budapest. The idea of setting up our own production site arose in the then owners in order to include the products in contract manufacturing under their own production. After obtaining all the necessary permits (HACCP, GMP) in the factory hall, the production started, which included a significant amount of contract production in addition to our own products. Over the years, our customer base has grown steadily. The inquiries of individual needs and the production of various products presented us with new and new challenges, the implementation of which raised our professional competence to an ever higher level. The very large increase in orders and the change in market demands made it necessary to join a company with a serious background, thanks to which, as a member of the Tolnagro Group of companies, Primavet Produkt Állatgyógyászati Ltd.